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MentorU Class Update!

MentorU Trusted Adult Activity

Our new virtual mentoring program, MentorU, is off to a strong start! Now that students are back in the classroom this fall, it is more important than ever to ensure they have the right tools to succeed.

MentorU is an opportunity for students to create a strong and meaningful plan as they work toward graduation. Weekly lessons set the groundwork for creating an outline for success for each student by strengthening self-esteem, interpersonal skills and more.

Over the past few months, students have been busy! To start, they introduced themselves. They learned about identities and shared what makes them unique. Weekly lessons have covered Affirmations and most recently, Trusted Adults. Students learned to define what healthy relationships look and feel like. As well as contrasted what unhealthy relationships look like. This activity set the students up to identify who in their life is a trusted adult—a person that provides safety and comfort in different situations. The students drew a spider web and nominated different “Trusted Adults” in their life.

Lessons taught in MentorU are vital to help kids discover who they are. It’s a good first step in knowing what they’d eventually like to do, both in their career and in life.

Students and mentors are finally meeting (virtually, for now). Stay tuned for what’s next!