When I moved to Omaha four years ago, I knew I wanted to get engaged in the community. Despite my concerns about time constraints, I am so glad I chose to be involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands. My Little Brother, Will, and I have a friendship that enables us to learn from each other. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a unique program that encourages a give and take where both the Big and Little can benefit. For example, I work in finance, and recently, through school, Will has become interested in the stock market so that I can teach him some initial investing concepts. On the other side, Will is a great athlete and doesn’t hesitate to give me pointers when we shoot hoops. Big Brothers Big Sisters is such a rewarding program because you get to see your Little’s life develop. We are all busy between work, family, travel, and general life but making a difference is a worthwhile return on your time. Will is a priority to me, so even with a hectic schedule, it is easy to find a few hours every couple of weeks for us to do something fun. If you’re thinking about being a Big, I’d encourage you to become a part of a program that lifts our community. There are dozens of kids waiting for a mentor, and you’ll be proud of investing your time and talent in your Little’s bright future.