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2024 BBBS Staff Resolutions

Happy New Year! The start of a new year gives us an opportunity to reflect, set new goals and adopt resolutions. Check out some of our staff members' resolutions for 2024 below! 


ABBEY – My resolution is to slow down and be more present with my kids. I would also like to travel more and try a new vacation spot!

CHELSEA – I want to have less screen time this year. 

ELIZABETH – I would like to create more balance and peace in my life. To do this, I am planning on working on boundaries and also trying to do some meditation. 

EMMA - My resolution is to read more books and volunteer more in the community! 

HANNAH – In 2024, I would like to keep a gratitude journal, visit a new state and country, read 30 books, and de-clutter my closet. 

JALIN – For the year of 2024, I aim to continue evolving as an individual which includes healing my inner child, becoming more of my authentic self and learning how to show up for others. 

KATE – In 2024, I want to finish graduate school for my Master of Social Work degree, discover an easy and quick way for my family’s laundry to get done and put away, and spend as much time outside exploring and playing with my boys. 

KYLE – I want to improve my drawing skills and start doing more creative writing! 

MICHELLE – In 2024 I would like to have more discipline. I want to have more discipline with eating, exercise, using my phone, etc. 

MORGAN – My resolution is to spend less time looking at screens and more time outside. 

OLGA – My New Year’s resolution is to get back to the gym and to learn to play the drums. 

SIOBHAN – For 2024, I want to live a happy and healthy life. 

TARA – This year I want to eat healthier, exercise more, get outside more often, take time to do the little things and enjoy life! 

TERRA – I intend to find myself again, find what makes me happy.